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Player Commands
Command | Effect | Plugin(s) | Status |
/sethome | Sets Home Location | EssentialsX / PlotSquared | Working |
/home | Teleports you to your Home-Location | EssentialsX / PlotSquared | Working |
/tpa | Requesting to teleport to player | BungeeTeleportManager | Unknown |
/tpahere | Requests a player to teleport to you | BungeeTeleportManager | Unknown |
/tpaccept | Accepts teleportation request | BungeeTeleportManager | Unknown |
/spawn | Teleports you to the spawn of your current World | Multiverse / EssentialsX | Unknown |
Command | Effect | Plugin(s) | Status | Coordinates |
/warps | Lists available Warp-Locations | BungeeTeleportManager | Working | - |
/warp | Teleports you to named Warp-Location | BungeeTeleportManager | Working | - |
/lobby | Teleports you into the Server Hub | BungeeCord Alias | Unknown | 0.5 76 0.5 |
/creative | Teleports you into the Creative World | BungeeTeleportManager Alias | Unknown | 0.5 63 0.5 |
/warp bedwars | Bedwars Minigame Location | BungeeTeleportManager | Unknown | 17.5 76 0.5 |
/warp tutorial | ää | BungeeTeleportManager | Unknown | 0.5 76 37.5 |
/survival | Teleports you to the Survival Server | BungeeCord Alias / SlashServer | Unknown | - |
/warp survival | ää | BungeeTeleportManager | Unknown | -896.5 74 -180.5 |
/spawn | /firstspawn survival | BungeeTeleportManager Alias | Unknown | -896.5 74 -180.5 |
/warp shop | ää | BungeeTeleportManager | Unknown | -838.5 69.9375 -180.5 |
/warp end | ää | BungeeTeleportManager | Unknown | -2688.5 35 -13811.0 |
/warp survival | ää | BungeeTeleportManager | Unknown | -896.5 74 -180.5 |
Command | Effect | Plugin(s) | Status |
/reward | Collect your reward for logging in today | Daily Rewards | Working |
/money | Shows your current Balance | Vault | Working |
Plot Management