logs | ||
mc-bungeecord | ||
mc-main | ||
mc-survival | ||
nginx | ||
.gitignore | ||
docker-compose.yml | ||
permissions.md | ||
player-commands.md | ||
readme.md |
This Project aims to empower you in setting up your very own Server-Network using Docker, which can be started using docker-compose up
inside this Directory.
I use this Repository to run my own Minecraft-Server at kB01.de.
This Repository is currently in a Prototyping State!
Quick Links
The following is for this Repository and for the Server Administrator or Developer.
For help using the preconfigured Plugins please refer to player-commands.md.
- git
- docker
- docker-compose
Clone this Repository
git clone https://github.com/kB01guy/minecraft-server-kb01-de
Navigate into Repository
cd minecraft-server-kb01-de
Start the Server-Network
docker-compose up
For my Use-Case Containerization is great to get the most Performance for each Universe (Survival, Creative, Lobby, Minigames).
Even though Minecraft supports Multiple Threads, the Main Game-Logic runs on a single Thread. All Server Plugins, The Game Logic, and all Worlds are handled Single-Threaded. Some Little Things are running on different Threads like the Chunk-Sending to Players.
If you just want run a Minecraft Server without different Worlds and not many Plugins, I strongly advice not to use my Project and instead only use https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-server for creating your Server.
To further configure your Server-Network, see https://github.com/itzg/docker-bungeecord for mc-bungeecord and https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-server for other Services
Server Configuration
The Server Proxy (default: BungeeCord) supports Plugins as well as the Game-Servers them selves.
The Docker Containers allows automatic Plugin-Downloads from spigotmc.org via the Variable SPIGET_RESOURCES
, which contains a Comma separated List of Plugin-IDs.
This is the Proxy-Server that listens to the default Minecraft Port 25565
and then distribute the Players to the Game-Server they want to play on.
Plugin List
Spigot ID | Price | Name | Description | Links |
Free | LuckPerms BungeeCord | Manages Permissions for BungeeCord Plugins | Github luckperms.net | |
241 | Free | ServerListPlus | Allows customization of your ServerList Info | Github Spigot |
8695 | Free | AdvancedBan | All-In-One Punishment-System | Github Spigot |
68956 | Free | UltraStaffChat | Allows Communication to the Server-Team, throughout the Network and even beyond thanks to Discord-Integration. | Github Spigot |
80677 | Free | BungeeTeleportManager | Teleports across Servers and Dimensions. | GitHub Spigot |
95509 | Free | SlashServer | Enables /lobby instead /server main and /survival instead /server survival. | Github Spigot |
Plugins in Planning
Spigot ID | Price | Name | Description | Links |
12592 | Free | Bungee Chat | Manages your Chat globally on the server | Github Spigot |
Main Server: Lobby, Creative, Minigames
This Server Hosts the Lobby, Creative World and Minigames. It is separated, because some Plugins change Vanilla Behaviour. AntiCooldown also disables Sweeping Edge and Quake might crash the Server.
It runs on Paper because it is Resource friendly.
Plugin List
Spigot ID | Price | Name | Description | Links |
51758 | Free | Join Commands | Executes Commands on Player Join. Used for Gamemode and Teleportation to Lobby | Github Spigot |
28140 | Free | LuckPerms | Manages Permissions | Github Spigot |
390 | Free | Multiverse-Core | Allows Multi-World-Configuration, needed to load Custom Worlds and not load Vanilla-Worlds | Github Spigot |
6245 | Free | PlaceholderAPI | Allows you to use Placeholder in nearly any Config-File | Github Spigot |
7688 | Free | Armor Stand Editor [dead] | Allows players in survival to easily edit Armorstand pose and attributes. | Github Spigot |
13932 | Free | Fast Async WorldEdit | Allows large Scale World-Modifications, needed by PlotSquared | Github Spigot |
25391 | Free, Closed Source | VoidGen | Multiverse-World-Generator generating Empty Worlds | Spigot |
51321 | Free | AntiCooldown | Removes Hit-Cooldown of newer Minecraft Versions for faster PvP experience | Github Spigot |
63714 | Free | Screaming Bedwars | PvP GameMode in the Sky, Players are trying to destroy the Respawn-Block (Bed) of the other Teams | Github Spigot |
70616 | Free | BackupOnEvent | Automatically creates Backups and manages configured Storage-Space | Github Spigot |
77506 | 15€ | PlotSquared | Manages User-Plots for Creative Building | Github Spigot |
80677 | Free | BungeeTeleportManager | Teleports across Servers and Dimensions. | GitHub Spigot |
53036 | Free | Custom Images | Creates Map-Items displaying Image Files. Used for TV-Like Custom Signs | Github Spigot |
92975 | Free | EconomyPlus | Economy Plugin using Vault for Plugin Compatibility and MySQL for Storage | Github Spigot |
Plugins in Planning
Spigot ID | Price | Name | Description | Links |
45928 | 15€, Closed Source | Quake | Fast paced Shooter-like Minigame with Powerups | Spigot |
81702 | Free | uSurvivalGames | PvP GameMode on the Ground, with loot and a protection Period | Github Spigot |
87226 | Free | Walk in the Park | Infinite Generating Parkour | Github Spigot |
79165 | Free | My Home Rules | Rules-Accept Plugin which uses MySQL for Storage | Github Spigot |
This Game-Server hosts the Survival Map, with Advancements like Protecting your Builds, Teleporting to friendly Players and simple Economy in the Form of Chest-Shops.
My choice for the Survival Game Server Type was Spigot, which is a bit heavier on the resources compared to Paper. The Reason for this choice is because my Players had Problems using Game-Bugs which are Fixed in Paper (e.g. breaking Bedrock). However, you can configure Paper to allow these, but my Players still complained, so I switched back to Spigot, which does not fix any Vanilla Server Bugs. TLDR: Players blame Paper for Things that might not exist.
Plugin List
Spigot ID | Price | Name | Description | Links |
93738 | Free | Simple Voice Chat | Proximity Voice-Chat, Requires Client Mod! | Github Spigot |
1997 | Free | ProtocolLib | Library Plugin used by Simple Voice Chat | Github Spigot |
70616 | Free | BackupOnEvent | Automatically creates Backups and manages configured Storage-Space | Github Spigot |
7688 | Free | Armor Stand Editor [dead] | Allows players in survival to easily edit Armorstand pose and attributes. | Github Spigot |
9089 | Free | EssentialsX | Essential Commands like /home /tpa , etc. |
Github Spigot |
1884 | Free | GriefPrevention | Players can Protect flexible sized Plots using a golden Shovel | Github Spigot |
73997 | Free | MoreMobHeads | Player- and Mob-Heads, and Micro-Blocks traded from the wandering Trader | Github Spigot |
34315 | Free | Vault | Permissions, Chat, & Economy API to give plugins easy hooks into these systems, used for Economy only. | Github Spigot |
51856 | Free | ChestShop | a simple system for making physical shops using signs and chests | Github Spigot |
16708 | Free | Daily Rewards | Rewards the Player to stay active. Type /reward each Day to get in-game Currency |
Github Spigot |
92546 | Free | Heart | Displays Life of Players below their Name. | Github Spigot |
80677 | Free | BungeeTeleportManager | Teleports across Servers and Dimensions. | GitHub Spigot |
Plugins in Planning
Spigot ID | Price | Name | Description | Links |
79165 | Free | My Home Rules | Rules-Accept Plugin which uses MySQL for Storage | Github Spigot |