fix Performance Issues #3

opened 2023-04-02 02:35:03 +02:00 by kb01 · 0 comments


too many Threads

Multiple Minecraft Servers using Docker on the Same Machine causes Issues.
By default, the Java Application creates 2 Threads per physical Core.

In my case that's 3x 12 Threads! Docker somehow is not managing the Threads well there.
So it might be an option to Limit threads via JVM Arguments.

fine-Tuning Software choices

Currently, I use Bungeecord as Proxy, which has been superseded by Velocity.

As Minecraft Server I use Paper, which might has a faster Fork, Puffer fish.

The Lobby does not need Minecraft-Features, same as the Minigames. Would it be more appropriate to run a Minestom Server instead?

Autopause Lobby, etc.

It is possible to pause the Server when nobody is Online. This will free resources for the survival Server, if nobody is on the Lobby-Server.

# Causes ## too many Threads Multiple Minecraft Servers using Docker on the Same Machine causes Issues. By default, the Java Application creates 2 Threads per physical Core. In my case that's 3x 12 Threads! Docker somehow is not managing the Threads well there. So it might be an option to Limit threads via JVM Arguments. ## fine-Tuning Software choices Currently, I use Bungeecord as Proxy, which has been superseded by Velocity. As Minecraft Server I use Paper, which might has a faster Fork, Puffer fish. The Lobby does not need Minecraft-Features, same as the Minigames. Would it be more appropriate to run a Minestom Server instead? ## Autopause Lobby, etc. It is possible to pause the Server when nobody is Online. This will free resources for the survival Server, if nobody is on the Lobby-Server.
kb01 added this to the Minecraft Server project 2023-04-02 02:35:12 +02:00
kb01 added this to the Production Ready (1.19 / 1.20) milestone 2023-04-02 02:43:31 +02:00
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Reference: kb01/minecraft-server-kb01-de#3
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