Restructured setup Script, Tests of Java-Detection
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 81 additions and 37 deletions
@ -1,47 +1,91 @@
param (
# Create File Structure
if (!(Test-Path ".tools/buildtools")){New-Item ".tools/buildtools" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; Write-Host ("Created Directory .tools/buildtools")}
if (!(Test-Path ".tools/mcrcon" )){New-Item ".tools/mcrcon" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; Write-Host ("Created Directory .tools/mcrcon" )}
if (!(Test-Path ".tools/nssm" )){New-Item ".tools/nssm" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; Write-Host ("Created Directory .tools/nssm" )}
if (!(Test-Path ".tools/java" )){New-Item ".tools/java" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; Write-Host ("Created Directory .tools/java" )}
$toolsdir=($basedir + "\.tools")
# Setup mcrcon
Set-Location $basedir/.tools/mcrcon/
$release = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "")
$download = ($release.assets.Where({$ -like "*windows*x86-64*"},"First",1))
if (!((Test-Path $ -PathType Leaf) -and (Test-Path "mcrcon.exe" -PathType Leaf))){
Write-Output ("Downloading mcrcon Version '" + $release.tag_name + "' in '" + (Get-Location) + "'.")
Remove-Item "mcrcon-*"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $download.browser_download_url -OutFile $
Expand-Archive $ .
} else { Write-Output ("Download skipped, mcrcon Version '" + $release.tag_name + "' is allready downloaded.") }
# Setup BuildTools
Set-Location $basedir/.tools/buildtools
if (!(Test-Path "BuildTools.jar" -PathType Leaf) -or (((get-date)-(get-item "BuildTools.jar").LastWriteTime) -gt (new-timespan -hours 2))){
Write-Output ("Downloading Build Tools in '" + (Get-Location) + "'.")
Remove-Item "BuildTools.jar"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile BuildTools.jar
} else { Write-Output ("Download skipped, File .tools/buildtools/BuildTools.jar is newer than 2h.") }
# Setup NSSM
Set-Location $basedir/.tools/nssm
$release = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri{$_.href -like "*ci/nssm*"},"First",1)
$archive_name = $release.href.SubString(4,22)
if (!((Test-Path ($archive_name+".zip") -PathType Leaf) -and (Test-Path "win64/nssm.exe" -PathType Leaf))){
Write-Output ("Downloading NSSM Version '"+$archive_name.SubString(5,8)+"' in '" + (Get-Location) + "'.")
Remove-Item -Recurse *
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri (""+$release.href) -OutFile ($archive_name+".zip")
Expand-Archive ($archive_name+".zip") .
Move-Item ($archive_name+"\*") .
Remove-Item $archive_name
} else { Write-Output ("Download skipped, NSSM Version '"+$archive_name.SubString(5,8)+"' is allready downloaded.") }
if (!(Test-Path ".tools")){New-Item ".tools" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; Write-Host ("Created Directory .tools")}
function setup-mcrcon {
if (!(Test-Path ($toolsdir+"\mcrcon"))) {
New-Item ".tools/mcrcon" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; Write-Host ("Created Directory .tools/mcrcon")
Set-Location ($toolsdir+"\mcrcon")
$release = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "")
$download = ($release.assets.Where({$ -like "*windows*x86-64*"},"First",1))
if (!((Test-Path $ -PathType Leaf) -and (Test-Path "mcrcon.exe" -PathType Leaf))){
Write-Output ("Downloading mcrcon Version '" + $release.tag_name + "' in '" + (Get-Location) + "'.")
Remove-Item "mcrcon-*"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $download.browser_download_url -OutFile $
Expand-Archive $ .
} else { Write-Output ("Download skipped, mcrcon Version '" + $release.tag_name + "' is allready downloaded.") }
function setup-buildtools {
if (!(Test-Path ($toolsdir+"\buildtools"))) {
New-Item ".tools/buildtools" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; Write-Host ("Created Directory .tools/buildtools");
Set-Location ($toolsdir+"\buildtools")
if (!(Test-Path "BuildTools.jar" -PathType Leaf) -or (((get-date)-(get-item "BuildTools.jar").LastWriteTime) -gt (new-timespan -hours 2))){
Write-Output ("Downloading Build Tools in '" + (Get-Location) + "'.")
if (Test-Path "BuildTools.jar" -PathType Leaf) { Remove-Item "BuildTools.jar" }
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile BuildTools.jar
} else { Write-Output ("Download skipped, File .tools/buildtools/BuildTools.jar is newer than 2h.") }
function setup-nssm {
if (!(Test-Path ($toolsdir+"\nssm"))) {
New-Item ".tools/nssm" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; Write-Host ("Created Directory .tools/nssm")
Set-Location $basedir/.tools/nssm
$release = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri{$_.href -like "*ci/nssm*"},"First",1)
$archive_name = $release.href.SubString(4,22)
if (!((Test-Path ($archive_name+".zip") -PathType Leaf) -and (Test-Path "win64/nssm.exe" -PathType Leaf))) {
Write-Output ("Downloading NSSM Version '"+$archive_name.SubString(5,8)+"' in '" + (Get-Location) + "'.")
Remove-Item -Recurse *
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri (""+$release.href) -OutFile ($archive_name+".zip")
Expand-Archive ($archive_name+".zip") .
Move-Item ($archive_name+"\*") .
Remove-Item $archive_name
} else {
Write-Output ("Download skipped, NSSM Version '"+$archive_name.SubString(5,8)+"' is allready downloaded.")
# Only Setup everything locally, if Parameter force is used
if ($Force) {
Write-Output "Forcing local setup of all required tools";
# Testing Stuff here
if ($Testing) {
if (!(Test-Path ($toolsdir+"\java" ))){New-Item ".tools/java" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null; Write-Host ("Created Directory .tools/java" )}
# Java Download needed?
$possible_java_dirs = ($env:Path -split ';' | where{$_ -notlike "*WINDOWS*"})
$javas = @();
foreach($dir in $possible_java_dirs){
Write-Output ("Searching Java Installs in "+$dir)
Get-Childitem -Path $dir -Filter 'java.exe' -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
Write-Output ("Found Java Version " + (Get-Command $_.FullName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version) + " at '" + $_.FullName + "'.")
$java = New-Object PsCustomObject
$java | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Path -Value $_.FullName
$java | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Version -Value (Get-Command $_.FullName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version)
$javas += $java
$favourite_java = "";
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:JAVA_HOME)) {
$favourite_java = ($env:JAVA_HOME+"\bin\java.exe")
Write-Output ("You have set JAVA_HOME Environment Variable to use Java Version " + (Get-Command ($env:JAVA_HOME+"\bin\java.exe") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version) + ". ")
else {$favourite_java = "placeholder"}
Write-Output ($javas | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending)
# ---------------------------------
# Go Back to Script-Location
Add table
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