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# Survival and Main Server Player (default) Group Permissions:
## Chestshop
| Permission | Value | Command / Feature |
| ---------- | ----- | -------------------------------------- |
| chestshop.shop.* | true | Create, Buy, Sell (in) ChestShops |
| chestshop.iteminfo | true | /iteminfo |
| chestshop.shopinfo | true | /shopinfo |
[More permissions](https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/chestshop-permission-nodes/)
## EconomyPlus
| Permission | Value | Command / Feature |
| ------------------- | ----- | ----------------- |
| economyplus.balance | true | /money |
| economyplus.pay | true | /pay <player> |
[More permissions](https://github.com/ItsWagPvP/EconomyPlus/wiki/Editing-Commands,-Permissions,-Placeholders-and-Config)
## DailyRewards
| Permission | Value | Command / Feature |
| ---------- | ----- | ----------------- |
| dr.claim | true | /test |
| dr.admin | false | |
## BungeeTeleportManager
| Permission | Value | Command / Feature |
| ----------------------------------- | ----- | ---------------------------- |
| btm.cmd.user.firstspawn.firstspawn | true | /spawn (alias /firstspawn) |
| btm.cmd.user.home.create | true | /sethome (alias /homecreate) |
| btm.cmd.user.home.server.survival.5 | true | Allows 5 Homes on Server |
| btm.cmd.user.home.home | true | /home <name> |
| btm.cmd.user.home.homes | true | /homes |
| btm.cmd.user.warp.warp | true | /warp <name> |
| btm.cmd.user.warp.warps | true | /warps |
| btm.cmd.user.tp.tpa | true | /tpa <player> |
| btm.cmd.user.tp.tpahere | true | /tpahere <player> |
| btm.cmd.user.tp.tpaccept | true | /tpaccept |
| btm.cmd.user.tp.tpdeny | true | /tpdeny |
| btm.cmd.user.tp.tpaquit | true | /tpaquit |
| btm.cmd.user.tp.tpatoggle | true | /tpatoggle |
| btm.cmd.user.tp.tpaignore | true | /tpaignore |
| btm.cmd.user.tp.tpaignorelist | true | /tpaignorelist |
[More permissions](https://github.com/kb01guy/minecraft-server-kb01-de/blob/main/mc-survival/plugins/BungeeTeleportManager/commands.yml)
## Geyser
| Permission | Value | Command / Feature |
| ---------------------- | ----- | --------------------------------- |
| geyser.command | true | /geyser |
| geyser.command.offhand | true | /offhand ( alias /geyser offhand) |
[More permissions](https://wiki.geysermc.org/geyser/commands/)
## Floodgate
| Permission | Value | Command / Feature |
| ------------------------------- | ----- | --------------------- |
| floodgate.command.linkaccount | true | /linkaccount <player> |
| floodgate.command.unlinkaccount | true | /unlinkaccount |
[More permissions](https://wiki.geysermc.org/geyser/commands/)
# Survival Server Player Group Permissions:
## Simple Voice Chat
| Permission | Value | Command / Feature |
| ----------------- | ----- | --------------------- |
| voicechat.connect | true | Connect Mod to Server |
| voicechat.groups | true | Create & Use Groups |
| voicechat.speak | true | speak |
[More permissions](https://modrepo.de/minecraft/voicechat/wiki/?t=permissions)
# Main Server Player (default) Group Permissions:
## PlotSquared
| Permission | Value | Command / Feature |
| ------------------------------- | ----- | --------------------- |
| plots.set.flag.fly| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.block-ignition.*| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.explosion.*| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.fly.*| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.gamemode.*| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.guest-gamemode.*| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.keep-inventory.*| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.pvp.*| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.time.*| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.use.*| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.weather.*| true | /test |
| plots.plot.*| true | /test |
| plots.add| true | /test |
| plots.buy| true | /test |
| plots.claim| true | /test |
| plots.clear| true | /test |
| plots.confirm| true | /test |
| plots.delete| true | /test |
| plots.flag| true | /test |
| plots.flag.list| true | /test |
| plots.home| true | /test |
| plots.list| true | /test |
| plots.list.mine| true | /test |
| plots.remove| true | /test |
| plots.set| true | /test |
| plots.set.all| true | /test |
| plots.set.biome| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.fly
| plots.set.flag.gamemode| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.gamemode.spectator| false | /test |
| plots.set.flag.grass-grow| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.guest-gamemode| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.guest-gamemode.spectator| false | /test |
| plots.set.flag.hostile-attack| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.hostile-interact| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.ice-form| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.ice-melt| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.instabreak| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.item-drop| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.keep| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.keep-inventory| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.kelp-grow| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.leaf-decay| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.lectern-read-book| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.liquid-flow| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.misc-break| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.misc-interact| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.misc-place| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.mob-break| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.mob-place| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.music| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.mycel-grow| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.notify-enter| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.notify-leave| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.place| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.pve| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.pvp| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.redstone| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.snow-from| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.snow-melt| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.soil-dry| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.tamed-attack| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.tamed-interact| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.time| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.titles| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.use| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.vehicle-break| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.vehicle-cap| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.vehicle-interact| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.vehicle-place| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.vehicle-use| true | /test |
| plots.set.flag.vine-grow| true | /test |
| plots.set.floor| true | /test |
| plots.set.home| true | /test |
| plots.set.main| true | /test |
| plots.set.middle| true | /test |
| plots.trust| true | /test |
| plots.use| true | /test |
[More permissions](https://intellectualsites.github.io/plotsquared-documentation/permission/permission-packs.html)
## Multiverse
| Permission | Value | Command / Feature |
| ------------------------------- | ----- | --------------------- |
| multiverse.access.creative| true | /test |
| multiverse.access.lobby| true | /test |
| multiverse.access.world_nether| true | /test |
| multiverse.access.world_the_end| true | /test |
| multiverse.core.spawn.self| true | /test |
[More permissions](https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/wiki/Big-List-O'-Permissions)