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My NixOS Configurations
This repository contains my NixOS Configuration Files.
Clone this Repository somewhere you can edit it easily:
git clone https://git.kb-one.de/kb01/aux-config ~/Projects/aux-config
Only do this if you know what you are doing. Now clone your local Git-Repo to /etc/nixos:
sudo rm -R /etc/nixos
sudo git clone ~/Projects/aux-config /etc/nixos
Now When you want to change your System, you
- Edit the config in ~/Project/aux-config
vim system/x86_64-linux/$HOST/default.nix
- Commit the Changes locally
git commit -m "Some Changes"
- Now you
cd /etc/nixos
- Update the Changes
sudo git pull
- Build your System to apply the changes
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .
Surface Pro 2017 Tablet Cpu: Intel i5-7300U Ram: 8GB
Lenovo Thinkpad E14 Gen 4 Cpu: AMD Ryzen 5 5625U Ram: 16GB