# Default values are perfect for most servers. If you want to customize and have a question, look for the answer here first: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/grief-prevention/pages/setup-and-configuration/ GriefPrevention: SeaLevelOverrides: world: -1 world_nether: -1 world_the_end: -1 lobby: -1 creative: -1 Claims: Mode: world: Survival world_nether: Disabled world_the_end: Disabled lobby: Disabled creative: Disabled PreventGlobalMonsterEggs: true PreventTheft: true ProtectCreatures: true PreventButtonsSwitches: true LockWoodenDoors: false LockTrapDoors: false LockFenceGates: true EnderPearlsRequireAccessTrust: true RaidTriggersRequireBuildTrust: true ProtectHorses: true ProtectDonkeys: true ProtectLlamas: true InitialBlocks: 100 Claim Blocks Accrued Per Hour: Default: 100 Max Accrued Claim Blocks: Default: 80000 Accrued Idle Threshold: 0 AccruedIdlePercent: 0 AbandonReturnRatio: 1.0 AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadius: 4 AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadiusMinimum: 0 ExtendIntoGroundDistance: 5 MinimumWidth: 5 MinimumArea: 100 MaximumDepth: 0 InvestigationTool: STICK ModificationTool: GOLDEN_SHOVEL Expiration: ChestClaimDays: 7 UnusedClaimDays: 14 AllClaims: DaysInactive: 60 ExceptWhenOwnerHasTotalClaimBlocks: 10000 ExceptWhenOwnerHasBonusClaimBlocks: 5000 AutomaticNatureRestoration: SurvivalWorlds: false AllowTrappedInAdminClaims: false MaximumNumberOfClaimsPerPlayer: 0 CreationRequiresWorldGuardBuildPermission: true VillagerTradingRequiresPermission: true CommandsRequiringAccessTrust: /sethome DeliverManuals: true ManualDeliveryDelaySeconds: 30 RavagersBreakBlocks: true FireSpreadsInClaims: false FireDamagesInClaims: false LecternReadingRequiresAccessTrust: true Spam: Enabled: true LoginCooldownSeconds: 60 LoginLogoutNotificationsPerMinute: 5 ChatSlashCommands: /me;/global;/local WhisperSlashCommands: /tell;/pm;/r;/whisper;/msg WarningMessage: Please reduce your noise level. Spammers will be banned. BanOffenders: true BanMessage: Banned for spam. AllowedIpAddresses:; DeathMessageCooldownSeconds: 120 Logout Message Delay In Seconds: 0 PvP: RulesEnabledInWorld: world: false world_nether: false world_the_end: false lobby: false creative: false ProtectFreshSpawns: false PunishLogout: false CombatTimeoutSeconds: 15 AllowCombatItemDrop: true BlockedSlashCommands: /home;/vanish;/spawn;/tpa ProtectPlayersInLandClaims: PlayerOwnedClaims: false AdministrativeClaims: true AdministrativeSubdivisions: true AllowLavaDumpingNearOtherPlayers: PvPWorlds: true NonPvPWorlds: false AllowFlintAndSteelNearOtherPlayers: PvPWorlds: true NonPvPWorlds: false ProtectPetsOutsideLandClaims: false Economy: ClaimBlocksMaxBonus: 0 ClaimBlocksPurchaseCost: 0.0 ClaimBlocksSellValue: 0.0 ProtectItemsDroppedOnDeath: PvPWorlds: false NonPvPWorlds: false BlockLandClaimExplosions: false BlockSurfaceCreeperExplosions: false BlockSurfaceOtherExplosions: false LimitSkyTrees: true LimitTreeGrowth: false PistonMovement: CLAIMS_ONLY PistonExplosionSound: true FireSpreads: false FireDestroys: false AdminsGetWhispers: true AdminsGetSignNotifications: true SmartBan: true Mute New Players Using Banned Words: true MaxPlayersPerIpAddress: 3 Siege: Worlds: [] BreakableBlocks: - GRASS_BLOCK - DIRT - COBBLESTONE - OAK_PLANKS - SPRUCE_PLANKS - BIRCH_PLANKS - JUNGLE_PLANKS - ACACIA_PLANKS - DARK_OAK_PLANKS - SAND - GRAVEL - GLASS - GRASS - FERN - DEAD_BUSH - WHITE_WOOL - ORANGE_WOOL - MAGENTA_WOOL - LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL - YELLOW_WOOL - LIME_WOOL - PINK_WOOL - GRAY_WOOL - LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL - CYAN_WOOL - PURPLE_WOOL - BLUE_WOOL - BROWN_WOOL - GREEN_WOOL - RED_WOOL - BLACK_WOOL - SNOW - GLASS_PANE DoorsOpenDelayInSeconds: 300 CooldownEndInMinutes: 60 EndermenMoveBlocks: false SilverfishBreakBlocks: false CreaturesTrampleCrops: false RabbitsEatCrops: true HardModeZombiesBreakDoors: false Database: URL: '' UserName: '' Password: '' UseBanCommand: false BanCommandPattern: ban %name% %reason% Advanced: fixNegativeClaimblockAmounts: true ClaimExpirationCheckRate: 60 OfflinePlayer_cache_days: 90 Abridged Logs: Days To Keep: 7 Included Entry Types: Social Activity: true Suspicious Activity: true Administrative Activity: false Debug: false Muted Chat Messages: false