version: 1.0.19
# Following are chance percent settings for each mob and variants of mobs.
# Hieronder volgen instellingen voor het toevalspercentage voor elke mob en varianten van mobs.
# Voici les paramètres de pourcentage de chance pour chaque mob et les variantes de mobs.
# Es folgen die Einstellungen für die Wahrscheinlichkeit in Prozent für jeden Mob und Varianten von Mobs.
# 以下是每个生物及其变形的机会百分比设置。
# Následuje nastavení procenta šancí pro každý mob a varianty mobs.
# A seguir, estão as configurações de porcentagem de chance para cada mob e variantes de mobs.
# 0.001 = 1/10 of 1 percent, 0.01 = 1 percent, 1.00 = 100 percent
  player: 100
  named_mob: 0.1
    blue: 1.0
    cyan: 0.2
    gold: 0.2
    lucy: 0.2
    wild: 0.2
  bat: 0.1
    angry_pollinated: 0.2
    angry: 0.2
    pollinated: 0.2
    chance_percent: 0.2
  blaze: 0.005
    all_black: 0.33
    black: 0.33
    british_shorthair: 0.33
    calico: 0.33
    jellie: 0.33
    persian: 0.33
    ragdoll: 0.33
    red: 0.33
    siamese: 0.33
    tabby: 0.33
    white: 0.33
  cave_spider: 0.005
  chicken: 0.01
  cod: 0.1
  cow: 0.01
  creeper: 0.5
  creeper_charged: 1.0
  dolphin: 0.33
  donkey: 0.2
  drowned: 0.05
  elder_guardian: 1.0
  ender_dragon: 1.0
  enderman: 0.005
  endermite: 0.1
  evoker: 0.25
    red: 0.1
    snow: 0.1
  ghast: 0.0625
  giant: 0.025
  glow_squid: 0.05
    normal: 0.01
    screaming: 1.0
    mormal: 0.01
  guardian: 0.005
  hoglin: 0.03
    black: 0.27
    brown: 0.27
    chestnut: 0.27
    creamy: 0.27
    dark_brown: 0.27
    gray: 0.27
    white: 0.27
  husk: 0.06
  illusioner: 0.25
  iron_golem: 0.05
    brown: 0.24
    creamy: 0.24
    gray: 0.24
    white: 0.24
  magma_cube: 0.005
  mule: 0.2
    red: 0.1
    brown: 0.1
  ocelot: '0.20'
    aggressive: 0.27
    brown: 0.27
    lazy: 0.27
    normal: 0.27
    playful: 0.27
    weak: 0.27
    worried: 0.27
    blue: 0.25
    cyan: 0.25
    gray: 0.25
    green: 0.25
    red: 0.25
  phantom: 0.1
  pig: 0.01
  piglin: 0.04
  piglin_brute: 0.1
  pig_zombie: 0.005
  pillager: 0.025
  polar_bear: 0.2
  pufferfish: 0.15
    black: 0.26
    black_and_white: 0.26
    brown: 0.26
    gold: 0.26
    salt_and_pepper: 0.26
    the_killer_bunny: 1.0
    toast: 0.26
    white: 0.26
  ravager: 0.25
  salmon: 0.1
    black: 0.0175
    blue: 0.0175
    brown: 0.0175
    cyan: 0.0175
    gray: 0.0175
    green: 0.0175
    jeb_: 0.1
    light_blue: 0.0175
    light_gray: 0.0175
    lime: 0.0175
    magenta: 0.0175
    orange: 0.0175
    pink: 0.0175
    purple: 0.0175
    red: 0.0175
    white: 0.0175
    yellow: 0.0175
  shulker: 0.05
  silverfish: 0.05
  skeleton: 0.025
  skeleton_horse: 0.2
  slime: 0.005
  snowman: 0.05
  spider: 0.005
  squid: 0.05
  stray: 0.06
  strider: 0.1
    brown: 0.24
    creamy: 0.24
    gray: 0.24
  # ########################################
    white: 0.24
  tropical_fish: 0.1
  turtle: 0.1
  vex: 0.1
      armorer: 1.0
      butcher: 1.0
      cartographer: 1.0
      cleric: 1.0
      farmer: 1.0
      fisherman: 1.0
      fletcher: 1.0
      leatherworker: 1.0
      librarian: 1.0
      mason: 1.0
      nitwit: 1.0
      none: 1.0
      shepherd: 1.0
      toolsmith: 1.0
      weaponsmith: 1.0
      armorer: 1.0
      butcher: 1.0
      cartographer: 1.0
      cleric: 1.0
      farmer: 1.0
      fisherman: 1.0
      fletcher: 1.0
      leatherworker: 1.0
      librarian: 1.0
      mason: 1.0
      nitwit: 1.0
      none: 1.0
      shepherd: 1.0
      toolsmith: 1.0
      weaponsmith: 1.0
      armorer: 1.0
      butcher: 1.0
      cartographer: 1.0
      cleric: 1.0
      farmer: 1.0
      fisherman: 1.0
      fletcher: 1.0
      leatherworker: 1.0
      librarian: 1.0
      mason: 1.0
      nitwit: 1.0
      none: 1.0
      shepherd: 1.0
      toolsmith: 1.0
      weaponsmith: 1.0
      armorer: 1.0
      butcher: 1.0
      cartographer: 1.0
      cleric: 1.0
      farmer: 1.0
      fisherman: 1.0
      fletcher: 1.0
      leatherworker: 1.0
      librarian: 1.0
      mason: 1.0
      nitwit: 1.0
      none: 1.0
      shepherd: 1.0
      toolsmith: 1.0
      weaponsmith: 1.0
      armorer: 1.0
      butcher: 1.0
      cartographer: 1.0
      cleric: 1.0
      farmer: 1.0
      fisherman: 1.0
      fletcher: 1.0
      leatherworker: 1.0
      librarian: 1.0
      mason: 1.0
      nitwit: 1.0
      none: 1.0
      shepherd: 1.0
      toolsmith: 1.0
      weaponsmith: 1.0
      armorer: 1.0
      butcher: 1.0
      cartographer: 1.0
      cleric: 1.0
      farmer: 1.0
      fisherman: 1.0
      fletcher: 1.0
      leatherworker: 1.0
      librarian: 1.0
      mason: 1.0
      nitwit: 1.0
      none: 1.0
      shepherd: 1.0
      toolsmith: 1.0
      weaponsmith: 1.0
      armorer: 1.0
      butcher: 1.0
      cartographer: 1.0
      cleric: 1.0
      farmer: 1.0
      fisherman: 1.0
      fletcher: 1.0
      leatherworker: 1.0
      librarian: 1.0
      mason: 1.0
      nitwit: 1.0
      none: 1.0
      shepherd: 1.0
      toolsmith: 1.0
      weaponsmith: 1.0
  vindicator: 0.05
  wandering_trader: 1.0
  warden: 1.0
  witch: 0.005
  wither: 1.0
  wither_skeleton: 0.025
  wolf: 0.02
  zoglin: 0.2
  zombie: 0.025
  zombie_horse: 1.0
  zombie_pigman: 0.005
  zombified_piglin: 0.005
  zombie_villager: 0.5