# Minecraft Server Tools This is everything I will use to setup a Minecraft Server preconfigured with awesome plugins. You will need a Debian based System to use this Script. You might need to manually adjust your System afterwards to run the Server automatically, if you're not using Debian 10. ``` git clone https://github.com/kb01guy/minecraft-server-tools cd minecraft-server-tools # Make sure the Script is executable chmod u+x setup.sh # DO NOT USE sh TO EXECUTE THIS SCRIPT! Some String Operations require bash. ./setup.sh # Some Plugins can't be downloaded with the latest Version, make sure you klick every Link in the Console and Download it from the Website. ``` ## Tutorials This is a list of interesting Tutorials, wich will help you to set up your own Minecraft Server: - A Tutorial for setting up a Minecraft Server on a Raspberry Pi. It is helpful for showing how you can run your Server as a Systemd Service and a non privileged User. https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-minecraft-server-on-raspberry-pi/ ## Software I additionally use on my Server - strato-dns-updater https://github.com/aortmannm/strato-dns-updater ## Planned Features: - Roles - admin - team - player - Lobby - Tutorial - Teleport - Survival World - Claiming (no one can destroy them) - ChestShop (buy and sell Items from Users) - Homes (Your Personal Teleport Places) - Micro Blocks (You can Buy every Block as a Head from a Wandering Trader) - Player Heads (If you kill a Player you get their Head as a Trophy) - Mob Heads (Every Mob has a possibility to drop their Head) - Minigames - Bedwars (Destroy the Bed wich lets the other Players respawn) - Quake (a fast paced non violent shooter) - QuickSurvivalGames (Loot Chests and Fight until the last alive player wins) - Creative World - Plots (Buy square Land to build in) - CreativeMode (use all Blocks to be crative) - Compartibility - Bedrock (PocketEdition, Windows10, Switch) - Emotecraft - ViveCraft (VR Minecraft)