# DO NOT CHANGE VERSION version: 1.0.18 # change to false to stop auto-update-check auto_update_check: true # set to true before sending a log about an issue. # logs trace data required to pinpoint where errors are. debug: false # cs_CZ, de_DE, en_US, es_MX, fr_FR, nl_NL, pt_BR, zh_CN lang: en_US # Enables fancy ANSI colors in console. (Disable if you're getting weird characters in the console) colorful_console: true # set whether plugin gives vanilla heads or MoreMobHeads. vanilla_heads: creeper: false ender_dragon: false skeleton: false wither_skeleton: false zombie: false # World settings world: # list of worlds MMH will work in. Blanks means all except for blacklisted worlds # Example (world, world_nether, world_the_end) will drop heads whitelist: # list of worlds MMH will NOT work in. # Example (world_Dungeon) will NOT drop heads blacklist: # Mob settings mob: # list of Mobs that MMH will make heads for. # Example (Cat, Fox, Enderman, Piglin) will drop heads. whitelist: # list of Mobs that MMH will NOT make heads for. # Example (Wither_Skeleton, Creeper, Ender_Dragon) will NOT drop heads. blacklist: # Should players with permission moremobheads.nametag be able to give certain mobs player heads using nametags? nametag: false lore: # set whether Killed by is added to lore. show_killer: true # set whether MoreMobHeads is added to lore. show_plugin_name: false wandering_trades: # set whether wandering traders trade heads. custom_wandering_trader: true # should wandering traders keep their default trades? keep_default_trades: true # Player heads settings player_heads: # set if player heads from wandering traders should be enabled enabled: false # set the minimum and maximum number of player heads the wandering trader will have. default=0,3 min: 0 max: 3 # Block heads settings block_heads: # set if block heads from wandering traders should be enabled enabled: true # set the minimum and maximum number of block heads the wandering trader will have. default=0,5 # For 1.14-1.15 blocks pre_116: min: 0 max: 5 # For 1.16 blocks is_116: min: 0 max: 5 # For 1.17 blocks is_117: min: 0 max: 5 # Custom trades settings custom_trades: # set if custom trades from wandering traders should be enabled enabled: false # set the minimum and maximum number of custom trades the wandering trader will have. default=0,5 min: 0 max: 5 # set if looting is applied or not. apply_looting: true # Player name whitelist and blacklist settings. whitelist: # false will not use whitelist, true will use whitelist enforce: false # seperate player names with commas "Xisumavoid, falsesymmetry, etc." player_head_whitelist: names_go_here blacklist: # false will not use blacklist, true will use blacklist enforce: false # seperate player names with commas "JoeHillsSays, TinFoilChef, etc." player_head_blacklist: names_go_here