# This is the main configuration file for Bukkit.
# As you can see, there's actually not that much to configure without any plugins.
# For a reference for any variable inside this file, check out the Bukkit Wiki at
# https://www.spigotmc.org/go/bukkit-yml
# If you need help on this file, feel free to join us on irc or leave a message
# on the forums asking for advice.
# IRC: #spigot @ irc.spi.gt
#    (If this means nothing to you, just go to https://www.spigotmc.org/go/irc )
# Forums: https://www.spigotmc.org/
# Bug tracker: https://www.spigotmc.org/go/bugs

  allow-end: true
  warn-on-overload: true
  permissions-file: permissions.yml
  update-folder: update
  plugin-profiling: false
  connection-throttle: 4000
  query-plugins: true
  deprecated-verbose: default
  shutdown-message: Server closed
  minimum-api: none
  monsters: 70
  animals: 10
  water-animals: 5
  water-ambient: 20
  water-underground-creature: 5
  ambient: 15
  period-in-ticks: 600
  animal-spawns: 400
  monster-spawns: 1
  water-spawns: 1
  water-ambient-spawns: 1
  water-underground-creature-spawns: 1
  ambient-spawns: 1
  autosave: 6000
aliases: now-in-commands.yml