# This file generates the GitHub Actions matrix. # For simple board + shield combinations, add them to the top level board and # shield arrays, for more control, add individual board + shield combinations # to the `include` property. You can also use the `cmake-args` property to # pass flags to the build command and `artifact-name` to assign a name to # distinguish build outputs from each other: # # board: [ "nice_nano_v2" ] # shield: [ "corne_left", "corne_right" ] # include: # - board: bdn9_rev2 # - board: nice_nano_v2 # shield: reviung41 # - board: nice_nano_v2 # shield: corne_left # cmake-args: -DCONFIG_ZMK_USB_LOGGING=y # artifact-name: corne_left_with_logging # --- include: - board: nice_nano_v2 shield: kyria_rev3_left - board: nice_nano_v2 shield: kyria_rev3_right