--- title: "Minecraft Season 1" date: 2022-12-24T00:15:00+02:00 layout: post slug: minecraft-season-1 summary: My first Minecraft Survival Server categories: - Minecraft # type: "post" or "status" author: kB01guy # featured_image: cover.jpg # slug: aaa-bbb-ccc # toc: true tags: - Season - Screenshots - Map # - tagA # - tagB # TODO: maps.kb-one.de/season-1, etc --- Blallakdjlsakl Text to describe the first Season. # Screenshots {{< carousel "https://unsplash.it/1920/1080/?random=1" "https://unsplash.it/1920/1080/?random=2" "https://unsplash.it/1920/1080/?random=3" "https://unsplash.it/1920/1080/?random=4" >}} {{< button color="theme" icon="eva eva-external-link" content="View screenshots in Discord" link="https://discordapp.com/channels/419828952278892547/700731167489392642" >}} # Karte {{< notice warn >}} The Map is easier to control if it is opened in a new Tab! {{< /notice >}} {{< bluemap "http://localhost:8100" "Season 1 Live-Map" >}} {{< button color="theme" icon="eva eva-external-link" content="Open Map in new Tab" link="http://localhost:8100" >}} {{< button color="theme" icon="eva eva-download" content="Download Map" >}}