baseURL: languageCode: de defaultContentLanguage: de title: "Hugo Theme Luna" enableRobotsTXT: true enableEmoji: true theme: hugo-theme-luna timeout: 60000 timeZone: Asia/Shanghai # 可根据 Git 中的提交生成最近更新记录。 # use git commit log to generate lastmod record enableGitInfo: false # 如果你的博客包含中日韩语,请启用此选项 # enable CJK language support hasCJKLanguage: true # 每页显示文章数量 # pagination size paginate: 10 # 启用谷歌统计 # google analytics tracking code # googleAnalytics: UA-98634098-1 # 版权信息,默认为 ↓ # default: ↓ # copyright: "" permalinks: # 文章链接的格式 # Format of posts links posts: /:year/:month/:day/:slug.html # 2019/01/01/hello-world.html pages: /:slug.html # about.html author: name: kB01 frontmatter: lastmod: - :git - lastmod - :fileModTime - date - publishDate - :default taxonomies: tag: "tags" category: "categories" summaryLength: 70 canonifyURLs: false relativeURLs: false # 图像处理 # see imaging: resampleFilter: CatmullRom quality: 95 anchor: smart caches: getresource: dir: :resourceDir/_gen maxAge: 24h # 隐私政策,请查看 # See privacy: googleAnalytics: anonymizeIP: true youtube: privacyEnhanced: true sitemap: changefreq: weekly priority: 0.5 filename: sitemap.xml # 所有支持的页面 # all supported pages $manuMain: - &mainMenuHome name: Home weight: 10 identifier: home params: icon: eva eva-home url: / - &mainMenuAbout name: About weight: 20 identifier: about params: icon: eva eva-heart url: /about/ - &mainMenuLinks name: Links weight: 30 identifier: links params: icon: eva eva-people url: /links/ - &mainMenuArchives name: Archives weight: 40 identifier: archives params: icon: eva eva-bar-chart url: /archives/ - &mainMenuTags name: Tags weight: 50 identifier: tags params: icon: eva eva-hash url: /tags/ - &mainMenuCategories name: Categories weight: 60 identifier: categories params: icon: eva eva-folder url: /categories/ - &mainMenuTwitter name: Twitter weight: 70 identifier: twitter params: icon: eva eva-twitter url: /twitter/ - &mainMenuGitHub name: GitHub weight: 80 identifier: github params: icon: eva eva-github url: /github/ - &mainMenuSearch name: Search weight: 999 identifier: search params: icon: eva eva-search url: /search/ # 如果你不想要导航栏,你可以删除这一段 # If you don't want the navbar, you can delete this paragraph menu: main: - *mainMenuHome - *mainMenuAbout - *mainMenuLinks - *mainMenuArchives - *mainMenuTwitter - *mainMenuGitHub - *mainMenuSearch # 副导航 / sub-navigation # sub: # - name: Categories # weight: 20 # identifier: categories # params: # icon: eva eva-folder # url: /categories/ # - name: Tags # weight: 30 # identifier: tags # params: # icon: eva eva-pricetags # url: /tags/ markup: highlight: style: dracula guessSyntax: true tabWidth: 4 lineNumbersInTable: true lineNos: true codeFences: true goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true # enable html in markdown # .Site.Params params: # CDN 地址 # CDN URL publicCDN: "" # 在网站顶部显示标题和摘要,使用 .Site.Title 和 .Site.Params.Description # Display title and description at the top of the page, use .Site.Title and .Site.Params.Description topTitle: false # 在首页顶部创建一个通知部分 # Create a Announcement section at the top of the home page announcement: enabled: true file: "" # assets/ # 评论系统 # Comment system comments: enabled: false provider: "giscus" # custom | giscus giscus: &giscus repo: "Ice-Hazymoon/hugo-theme-luna" repoID: "R_kgDOHQOwYw" category: "Comments" categoryID: "DIC_kwDOHQOwY84CP0Sy" mapping: "title" reactionsEnabled: 1 emitMetadata: 0 lazy: false lang: "en" # Rss 配置 # RSS configuration rss: # 如果为 false,你必须设置 Output Formats,请查看: # If false, you must set Output Formats, see: enabled: true # 是否输出全文 # Output full text fullText: true # 如果为 false,你必须设置 Output Formats,请查看: # If false, you must set Output Formats, see: sitemap: true # 网站主题颜色 # Site theme colors themeColor: "#044725" # 设置网站为黑白模式,通常用于哀悼活动 # Set website to black and white, usually for mourning events blackAndWhite: false # 输出一个漂亮的控制台日志 # Output a nice console log console: enabled: true leftColor: "#dd6065" leftText: "Hugo Theme Luna" rightColor: "#feb462" rightText: "Powered by Hugo ❤ Luna" # 标题计数器 # Title counter headlineCounter: false # 固定导航栏 # Fixed navigation bar fixedNav: false # 网站字体 # Site font # font: '"Times New Roman", Times, "Heti Song", serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"' font: 'Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' # 自定义脚本 # ts/custom.ts customScript: enabled: false pjax: true # Auto-reload in pjax mode # 网站底部显示运行时间 # Show site runtime runTime: enabled: true # 网站创建时间 # Site creation time creatTime: 2016/12/12 # 网站创建年份 # Site creation year since: "2016" # 显示文章过时提醒 # show warning when outdated info detected outdatedInfoWarning: enabled: true # 超过该天数将显示过时提醒 # A timeout reminder will be displayed if the last modification time exceeds that number of days day: 90 # 自动切换夜间模式(使用设备设置) # Automatic switching of night mode (using device settings) autoDarkMode: false # 文章分享功能 share: twitter: true facebook: true weibo: true copyLinkText: true qrcode: true qrcodeAPI: "" # 文章许可设置 # license license: enabled: true name: "CC BY-NC-ND 4.0" icon: "Cc-by-nc-nd.svg" # in assets folder url: "" # 显示右上角 i18n 切换按钮 # Display i18n toggle button i18nlist: true # GitHub 页面设置 # github page github: id: "kb01guy" # github user id minStars: 0 # 最小 star 项目 / min stars # Twitter 页面设置 # tweet page twitter: enabled: true rsshub: "" # rsshub url, see id: "GenshinImpact" # Twitter ID # 如果为 true,Hugo 将下载图片和视频并进行优化,如果你在中国大陆地区,请谨慎启用这个选项 # If enabled, Hugo will download videos and images from the Tweet and optimize them imageProcessing: true # 开启图片放大功能 # Image Zoom Plugin # see imageZoom: true # 图片懒加载 # lazyload image lazyload: true # 更快速的阅读英文内容, 参考: # Read English content faster, see bionicReading: enabled: true autoBionic: false # 自动启用 Bionic Reading / auto enable Bionic Reading skipLinks: false # 跳过链接 / skip links excludeWords: [] # 忽略的单词 / ignored words excludeNodeNames: [] # 忽略的节点名称 / ignored node names excludeClasses: ['github'] # 忽略的类名 / ignored classes # 启用谷歌翻译插件 # enable google translate in footer googleTranslate: false # 优化中文排版,请参考: # Optimize Chinese typography, see: pangu: false # 开启本地搜索插件 # enable local search plugin search: true # 文章页显示最后修改时间 # For outdated reminders lastmod: true # 显示阅读时间 # show reading time readingTime: true # 显示文章字数 # show word count wordCount: false # 开启文章内目录,可以在页面内单独设置 # Show table of contents, You can enable it separately in the page toc: enabled: true # 超过这个字数后将显示目录 # When the article word count is greater than this value, the TOC will be displayed wordCount: 400 # 加密功能 # encryption articles HugoEncrypt: # 默认密码 # default password Password: "123456" # 密码缓存选项 "session" or "local" # or "local" Storage: "session" # 开启 Pjax 无刷新加载 # Enable pjax with swup.js pjax: true # 开启 PWA # use service worker pwa: true # 开启数学公式 # katex katex: true # 开启返回顶部按钮 # backtop button backtop: true # 文章封面图片纵横比 # article image aspect ratio featuredImageHeight: "42%" #42% | false # 默认文章封面图片,不会显示在内容页面 # Default post card featured image, not displayed on content pages defaultFeaturedImage: false # false | featured.png in assets folder |{{timestamp}} # 自动调整图片大小并兼容 Webp 格式 # Optimize your images and SEO imageProcessing: cover: true content: true autoResize: - 1080 - 1440 webp: true # 设置推特卡片样式 opengraph: twitter: # see cardType: summary_large_image # summary | summary_large_image site: "@Ice_Hazymoon" image: "featured.png" # in assets folder | false author: Ice-Hazymoon keywords: - Hugo - Hugo Theme - Luna description: "A simple, performance-first, SEO-friendly Hugo theme" build: noJSConfigInAssets: true languages: de: languageName: Deutsch params: languageIcon: "images/i18n/en-us.svg" # in assets folder en-us: languageName: English params: languageIcon: "images/i18n/en-us.svg" # in assets folder