Added Name, shortened Codes, baselayer and trans

This commit is contained in:
kB01 2023-11-17 03:05:46 +01:00
parent e28503cca4
commit 0d4ad6902d
2 changed files with 49 additions and 128 deletions

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@ -4,3 +4,5 @@
# Uncomment the following line to enable the Corne OLED Display # Uncomment the following line to enable the Corne OLED Display

View file

@ -12,36 +12,23 @@
compatible = "zmk,combos"; compatible = "zmk,combos";
number_layer { number_layer {
bindings = <&mo 5>; bindings = <&mo 6>;
key-positions = <37 41>; key-positions = <37 41>;
}; };
function_layer { function_layer {
bindings = <&mo 4>; bindings = <&mo 5>;
key-positions = <36 41>; key-positions = <36 41>;
}; };
}; };
macros { macros {
alt_trans: alt_trans {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro"; sym_sec: sym_sec {
#binding-cells = <0>;
bindings =
<&kp RALT>,
<&kp RALT>;
label = "ALT_TRANS";
sym_section: sym_section {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro"; compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>; #binding-cells = <0>;
bindings = <&kp RALT &kp S &kp O>; bindings = <&kp RALT &kp S &kp O>;
label = "SYM_SECTION"; label = "sym_sec";
}; };
de_ue: de_ue { de_ue: de_ue {
@ -121,62 +108,6 @@
label = "SYM_COPY"; label = "SYM_COPY";
}; };
nav_space_next: nav_space_next {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>;
bindings =
<&kp LCTRL &kp LGUI>,
<&kp RIGHT>,
<&kp LGUI &kp LCTRL>;
label = "NAV_SPACE_NEXT";
nav_space_prev: nav_space_prev {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>;
bindings = <&sk LCTRL &sk LGUI &kp LEFT>;
label = "NAV_SPACE_PREV";
nav_win_next: nav_win_next {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>;
bindings = <&sk LALT &kp TAB>;
label = "NAV_WIN_NEXT";
nav_win_prev: nav_win_prev {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>;
bindings = <&sk LALT &sk LSHIFT &kp TAB>;
label = "NAV_WIN_PREV";
nav_desktop: nav_desktop {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>;
bindings = <&sk LGUI &kp D>;
label = "NAV_DESKTOP";
shift_trans: shift_trans {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>;
bindings =
<&kp LSHIFT>,
<&kp LSHIFT>;
label = "SHIFT_TRANS";
sym_deg: sym_deg { sym_deg: sym_deg {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro"; compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>; #binding-cells = <0>;
@ -184,27 +115,6 @@
label = "SYM_DEG"; label = "SYM_DEG";
}; };
de_ue_gr: de_ue_gr {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>;
bindings = <&kp RALT &kp LS(U) &kp DQT>;
label = "DE_UE_GR";
de_ae_gr: de_ae_gr {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>;
bindings = <&kp RALT &kp LS(A) &kp DQT>;
label = "DE_AE_GR";
de_oe_gr: de_oe_gr {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>;
bindings = <&kp RALT &kp LS(O) &kp DQT>;
label = "DE_OE_GR";
sym_mu: sym_mu { sym_mu: sym_mu {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro"; compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
#binding-cells = <0>; #binding-cells = <0>;
@ -257,18 +167,18 @@
mods = <(MOD_RALT)>; mods = <(MOD_RALT)>;
}; };
de_less_more_pipe: de_less_more_pipe { de_lt_mt_pipe: de_lt_mt_pipe {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph"; compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph";
label = "DE_LESS_MORE_PIPE"; label = "de_lt_mt_pipe";
bindings = <&part_less_pipe>, <&kp GREATER_THAN>; bindings = <&part_less_pipe>, <&kp GREATER_THAN>;
#binding-cells = <0>; #binding-cells = <0>;
mods = <(MOD_LSFT)>; mods = <(MOD_LSFT)>;
}; };
de_caret_degree: de_caret_degree { de_car_deg: de_car_deg {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph"; compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph";
label = "DE_CARET_DEGREE"; label = "de_car_deg";
bindings = <&kp CARET>, <&sym_deg>; bindings = <&kp CARET>, <&sym_deg>;
#binding-cells = <0>; #binding-cells = <0>;
@ -284,18 +194,18 @@
mods = <(MOD_RALT)>; mods = <(MOD_RALT)>;
}; };
de_plus_star_tilde: de_plus_star_tilde { de_plus_str_tld: de_plus_str_tld {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph"; compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph";
label = "DE_PLUS_STAR_TILDE"; label = "de_plus_str_tld";
bindings = <&part_plus_tilde>, <&kp STAR>; bindings = <&part_plus_tilde>, <&kp STAR>;
#binding-cells = <0>; #binding-cells = <0>;
mods = <(MOD_RALT)>; mods = <(MOD_RALT)>;
}; };
dv_qestion_ss: dv_qestion_ss { dv_qmark_ss: dv_qmark_ss {
compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph"; compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph";
label = "DV_QESTION_SS"; label = "dv_qmark_ss";
bindings = <&kp QMARK>, <&de_ss>; bindings = <&kp QMARK>, <&de_ss>;
#binding-cells = <0>; #binding-cells = <0>;
@ -325,6 +235,15 @@
compatible = "zmk,keymap"; compatible = "zmk,keymap";
default_layer { default_layer {
bindings = <
&kp TAB &none &de_comma &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none
&kp ESC &sk LALT &sk LGUI &sk LSHFT &sk LCTRL &sk RALT &none &none &none &none &none &none
&none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none &none
&mo 3 &kp LSHFT &kp RET &kp BSPC &kp SPACE &mo 4
dvorak2 {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// | TAB | Ü | , | . | P | Y | | F | G | C | T | Z | ? | // | TAB | Ü | , | . | P | Y | | F | G | C | T | Z | ? |
// | ESC | A | O | E | I | U | | H | D | R | N | S | L | // | ESC | A | O | E | I | U | | H | D | R | N | S | L |
@ -332,60 +251,60 @@
// | CTRL| GUI | SPC | | ENT | RSE | ALT | // | CTRL| GUI | SPC | | ENT | RSE | ALT |
bindings = < bindings = <
&kp TAB &de_ue &de_comma &de_dot &kp P &kp Y &kp F &kp G &kp C &kp T &kp Z &dv_qestion_ss &trans &de_ue &trans &trans &kp P &kp Y &kp F &kp G &kp C &kp T &kp Z &dv_qmark_ss
&kp ESC &kp A &kp O &kp E &kp I &kp U &kp H &kp D &kp R &kp N &kp S &kp L &trans &kp A &kp O &kp E &kp I &kp U &kp H &kp D &kp R &kp N &kp S &kp L
&de_ae &de_oe &kp Q &kp J &kp K &kp X &kp B &kp M &kp W &kp V &de_hash &kp MINUS &de_ae &de_oe &kp Q &kp J &kp K &kp X &kp B &kp M &kp W &kp V &de_hash &kp MINUS
&mo 2 &kp LSHFT &kp RET &kp BSPC &kp SPACE &mo 3 &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
>; >;
}; };
de { quertz_de {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// | TAB | Q | W | E | R | T | | Z | U | I | O | P | Ü | // | TAB | Q | W | E | R | T | | Z | U | I | O | P | Ü |
// | ESC | A | S | D | F | G | | H | J | K | L | Ö | Ä | // | ESC | A | S | D | F | G | | H | J | K | L | Ö | Ä |
// | < | Y | X | C | V | B | | N | M | , | . | - | # | // | < | Y | X | C | V | B | | N | M | , | . | - | # |
// | EXT | SFT | ENT | | BSP | SPC | SYM | // | EXT | SFT | ENT | | BSP | SPC | SYM |
bindings = < bindings = <
&kp TAB &kp Q &kp W &kp E &kp R &kp T &kp Z &kp U &kp I &kp O &kp P &de_ue &trans &kp Q &kp W &kp E &kp R &kp T &kp Z &kp U &kp I &kp O &kp P &de_ue
&kp ESC &kp A &kp S &kp D &kp F &kp G &kp H &kp J &kp K &kp L &de_oe &de_ae &trans &kp A &kp S &kp D &kp F &kp G &kp H &kp J &kp K &kp L &de_oe &de_ae
&de_less_more_pipe &kp Y &kp X &kp C &kp V &kp B &kp N &kp M &de_comma &de_dot &kp MINUS &de_hash &de_lt_mt_pipe &kp Y &kp X &kp C &kp V &kp B &kp N &kp M &de_comma &de_dot &kp MINUS &de_hash
&mo 2 &kp LSHFT &kp RET &kp BSPC &kp SPACE &mo 3 &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans
>; >;
}; };
extend { extend {
bindings = < bindings = <
&kp ESC &kp DEL &kp C_AC_BACK &kp C_AC_FIND &kp C_AC_FORWARD &kp INS &kp PAGE_UP &kp HOME &kp UP &kp END &none &kp BSPC &trans &kp DEL &kp C_AC_BACK &kp C_AC_FIND &kp C_AC_FORWARD &kp INS &kp PG_UP &kp HOME &kp UP &kp END &none &kp BSPC
&none &sk LALT &sk LGUI &sk LSHFT &sk LCTRL &sk RALT &kp PAGE_DOWN &kp LEFT &kp DOWN &kp RIGHT &none &kp ENTER &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &kp PG_DN &kp LEFT &kp DOWN &kp RIGHT &none &kp ENTER
&none &kp LC(Z) &kp LC(X) &kp LC(C) &kp LGUI &kp LC(V) &none &none &kp TAB &kp K_APP &kp PRINTSCREEN &none &none &kp LC(Z) &kp LC(X) &kp LC(C) &kp LGUI &kp LC(V) &none &none &kp TAB &kp K_APP &kp PSCRN &none
&none &kp LSHFT &kp ENTER &kp BSPC &kp SPACE &none &none &trans &trans &trans &trans &none
>; >;
}; };
symbol { symbol {
bindings = < bindings = <
&de_caret_degree &kp LEFT_BRACE &kp LEFT_BRACKET &kp RIGHT_BRACKET &kp RIGHT_BRACE &kp DOLLAR &kp EXCL &kp DOUBLE_QUOTES &sym_copy &sym_tm &de_plus_star_tilde &de_acute_grave &de_car_deg &kp LBRC &kp LBRK &kp RBRK &kp RBRC &kp DOLLAR &kp EXCL &kp DQT &sym_copy &sym_tm &de_plus_str_tld &de_acute_grave
&none &sk LALT &sk LGUI &sk LSHFT &sk LCTRL &sk RALT &dv_qestion_ss &sym_section &sym_reg &kp LPAR &kp RPAR &dv_slash &none &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &dv_qmark_ss &sym_sec &sym_reg &kp LPAR &kp RPAR &dv_slash
&none &de_less_more_pipe &none &none &kp AT &sym_eur &kp PERCENT &sym_mu &kp AMPERSAND &kp EQUAL &de_hash &kp MINUS &none &de_lt_mt_pipe &none &none &kp AT &sym_eur &kp PRCNT &sym_mu &kp AMPS &kp EQUAL &de_hash &kp MINUS
&none &kp LSHFT &kp ENTER &kp BSPC &kp SPACE &none &none &trans &trans &trans &trans &none
>; >;
}; };
function { function {
bindings = < bindings = <
&none &kp C_STOP &kp C_PREV &kp C_PP &kp C_NEXT &kp C_BRI_UP &kp F12 &kp F7 &kp F8 &kp F9 &kp SLCK &none &trans &kp C_STOP &kp C_PREV &kp C_PP &kp C_NEXT &kp C_BRI_UP &kp F12 &kp F7 &kp F8 &kp F9 &kp SLCK &none
&none &sk LALT &sk LGUI &sk LSHFT &sk LCTRL &kp C_BRI_DN &kp F11 &kp F4 &kp F5 &kp F6 &to 0 &none &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &kp C_BRI_DN &kp F11 &kp F4 &kp F5 &kp F6 &to 1 &none
&none &kp C_MUTE &kp C_VOLUME_DOWN &kp LS(LC(C)) &kp C_VOLUME_UP &kp LC(LS(V)) &kp F10 &kp F1 &kp F2 &kp F3 &to 1 &none &none &kp C_MUTE &kp C_VOL_DN &kp LS(LC(C)) &kp C_VOL_UP &kp LC(LS(V)) &kp F10 &kp F1 &kp F2 &kp F3 &to 2 &none
&none &kp LSHFT &kp ENTER &kp BSPC &kp SPACE &none &none &trans &trans &trans &trans &none
>; >;
}; };
number { number {
bindings = < bindings = <
&none &de_less_more_pipe &de_comma &de_dot &none &none &kp EQUAL &kp N7 &kp N8 &kp N9 &kp PLUS &kp BSPC &trans &de_lt_mt_pipe &trans &trans &none &none &kp EQUAL &kp N7 &kp N8 &kp N9 &kp PLUS &kp BSPC
&none &sk LALT &sk LGUI &sk LSHFT &sk LCTRL &sk RALT &kp STAR &kp N4 &kp N5 &kp N6 &kp MINUS &kp RET &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &trans &kp STAR &kp N4 &kp N5 &kp N6 &kp MINUS &kp RET
&none &none &kp Y &kp TAB &kp BSPC &kp ENTER &kp N0 &kp N1 &kp N2 &kp N3 &kp FSLH &none &none &none &kp Y &kp TAB &kp BSPC &kp RET &kp N0 &kp N1 &kp N2 &kp N3 &kp FSLH &none
&none &kp LSHFT &kp ENTER &kp BSPC &kp SPACE &none &none &trans &trans &trans &trans &none
>; >;
}; };
}; };