space: press space yes: press Return tab: press Tab scape: stick off \ press Escape # Enable a modifier for the next press # (The Super modifier is also known as the "Windows key") shy: mod shift troy: mod ctrl hype: mod alt shock: mod super \ stick off # Clear modifiers cleanse: mod clear \ caps off \ stick off # Enable Caps Lock until the end of the sentence or you say "cleanse" shout: caps on : caps off # Start holding down each pressed key, and stop by saying "cleanse" squeeze: run notify-send STICKING & \ stick off \ stick on hack: press BackSpace mince: press BackSpace BackSpace toss: press Delete smite: press Delete Delete raze: press BackSpace BackSpace BackSpace BackSpace # Delete a word (depending on the program) swipe: press ctrl+BackSpace left: press Left right: press Right up: press Up down: press Down lunge: press Left Left rush: press Right Right leave: press Left Left Left Left charge: press Right Right Right Right # I use these to navigate words and to complete bits of shell autosuggestions stretch: press ctrl+Right wrench: press ctrl+Left # PageDown, PageUp, Home, End page: press Next reel: press Prior home: press Home end: press End # Paste the clipboard (depending on the program) gluten: stick off \ press XF86Paste # Repeat the previous press etc. more: repeat 1 bunch: repeat 2 handful: repeat 4 fistful: repeat 8 plateful: repeat 12 frank one: press F1 frank two: press F2 frank three: press F3 frank four: press F4 frank five: press F5 frank six: press F6 frank sept: press F7 frank eight: press F8 frank nine: press F9 frank one newt: press F10 frank one one: press F11 frank one two: press F12 # This saves your changes in vi-style programs save: caps off \ press Escape colon w Return # This cycles round splits in Vim switch: caps off \ press Escape ctrl+w w